Quality Water

On tap: Whole House Filtration Is The Answer

Are you concerned about the quality of your municipal water supply? With the decline in water quality and cholera scare, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your family has access to clean and safe drinking water.


Water Filtration System

Our home filtration systems are designed to remove impurities and contaminants from your municipal water line, providing you with clean and healthy drinking water. Our professional team of experts will help you select the right filtration system for your needs and install it with precision and care. With our home filtration systems, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your family is drinking clean and safe water. Say goodbye to waterborne diseases and enjoy the benefits of clean and healthy drinking water with our top-quality home filtration systems!

Our Current Drinking Quality

Only a test sample of some of the country’s facilities was conducted. Assessments were made of 151 water supply systems – out of the total 1,186 – managed by 140 local municipalities. In addition, 26 water boards and bulk water service providers were assessed. The assessments were done between November 2022 to February 2023.

Most of the treatment plants in the sample were found to be failing to produce acceptable drinking water according to the SANS 241:2015 drinking water standards. Over 60 systems (41%) of the sample had bad water quality. Another 13 systems (9%) had poor water quality.

This meant that it didn’t meet clean water standards because of high levels of contaminants such as wastewater and excrement. Contaminated water poses acute health risks. It is responsible for water-related illnesses such as cholera.


Only 50% of the assessed treatment plants produced drinking water of a suitable quality not contaminated by sewage or other pathogens or chemicals. A number of water supply systems were flagged as being in a critical condition, requiring urgent intervention. The report also noted that 11 of the 140 municipalities that were assessed had no water quality monitoring systems in place or no evidence of any water testing.

Next Steps:

Our Water Filtration Systems Provide:


  • A more affordable long-term solution compared to continuously purchasing bottled water or relying on other temporary alternatives.
  • Reduces plastic waste by eliminating the need for single-use plastic water bottles.
  • Reassurance and peace of mind, knowing that the water consumed is cleaner and safer for both you and your family.
  • A long-term investment in health and well-being, especially in areas with deteriorating water supply infrastructure.

As Well As…

  • Removal of contaminants and harmful substances
  • Prevention of waterborne diseases such as cholera and gastrointestinal infections.
  • Alleviation of allergies by removing allergens like pollen, dust, and pet dander
  • Removal of microplastics.
  • Removal of sediment from deteriorating infrastructure.


Els Park Germiston


083 446 4226
